Reclaim Your Health
and Vitality
One in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime and 1 in 8 with breast cancer. Second, only to only lung cancer in death rates, breast cancer is a lifestyle disease. Only about 5 to 10 percent of women who get breast cancers carry genetic markers (BRCA gene mutations). And carrying this mutation does not make cancer inevitable—even BRCA carriers can reduce their risks with diet and lifestyle changes.
Heart disease—including heart attack, arrhythmia, stroke, and heart failure—is the leading cause of death for women. 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with heart disease during their lifetime, and two-thirds of these had no symptoms. Autoimmune disease is one of the top 10 leading causes of death for women under 64. Common autoimmune diseases, which are much more prevalent in women than in men, include Hashimoto's thyroiditis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, alopecia, and Graves' disease, among many others.
But these chronic health conditions are preventable with diet and lifestyle changes, following an approach called Functional Nutrition. Functional nutrition takes a systematic approach to identifying and resolving common roots.
Effective December 31, 2024 my waitlist is full and I’m not taking on new clients. Please check back in May 2025.
My mission is to help you embrace a healthy lifestyle and reduce your risk of a breast cancer diagnosis or recurrence
Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer can be likened to a natural disaster. It happens quickly, without warning, and leaves you feeling exhausted and depleted. But it is possible to have better health after breast cancer than you ever realized was possible.
Perhaps before breast cancer, you were suffering myriad symptoms that you chalked up to just getting older or being over-committed and stressed. Or maybe you were young and healthy and never saw it coming. Whatever the case, imbalances in your body created an environment where the cancer was able to overcome your immune system.
I will help you get to the root of underlying symptoms that may have contributed to your diagnosis, regain your health and vitality, and create new diet and lifestyle habits that reduce your risk of recurrence. We will do this in partnership working through functional nutrition and lifestyle counseling, based on the principles of functional medicine. My approach is individualized. No one breast cancer is the same as another, and no person has the same dietary or lifestyle needs.
My Approach
I work with you as a person, not as a set of symptoms or a disease.
My systems-based approach looks at how your body functions, not just your symptoms. This method is called Functional Nutrition.
Together we help your body heal itself with targeted nutrition and lifestyle coaching rather than giving you bandaids to cover up symptoms.
You can experience better sleep, more energy, and fewer food cravings, and you can feel like your younger, healthier self.
With my help, you can reduce your risk of breast cancer and other chronic diseases like heart disease and autoimmune disease. If you’ve already been treated and are in remission from breast cancer, you can reduce the risk of it returning.